Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Pokémon/move/etc. am I allowed to use? / Is X Pokémon/move/etc. banned?
A: See the PWC Battle Format for a list of everything that is banned.

Q: Can I change one of my team’s battlers?

Q: Can I use this Pokémon that does not have a model in the version of Pixelmon run by the PWC yet?
A: As long as it has a sprite mode (not a black & purple square), it can be used as long as there’s no specific issues with it.

Q: Can the Team Manager or Team Assistant battle in PWC matches?
A: No, unless they are registered as one of the team’s 5 Battlers. Only registered battlers can battle for their team. If a Team Manager or Assistant sends in a non-battler, it may result in a forfeit from that team.

Q: What are the rules? / What are the consequences for breaking the rules?
A: See the #rules channel of the PWC Discord.

Q: How do I get my Pokémon team?
A: First set up your team using Showdown’s Teambuilder and then create a PokePaste. Use /setteam <Paste URL>. Do not use nicknames and also verify that it is legal in the PWC Battle Format and the current version of Pixelmon.

Q: Why are my Pokémon not pasting correctly or at all?
A: Double-check that your paste does not contain nicknames or invalid Pokémon/moves/abilities/etc. Also check that it has the correct PokePaste formatting. Try generating the PokePaste again from scratch if everything looks valid (using the method listed in the above Q/A). Also remember to do this in advance of your match, 24 hours before if possible. This way you have time to troubleshoot and request assistance.