PWC Match Procedures

All matches will take place in the official Pixelmon World Cup server:

This server will be whitelisted so that only Battlers, Managers, and PWC Staff can enter, to avoid server strain and moderation issues. Matches will be livestreamed in the PWC Discord or PWC Twitch channel for spectators to watch.

The PWC Server is not cracked, so all battlers will need to have legitimate/paid Minecraft accounts.

Importing/Obtaining Pokémon:

  1. Players will have access to the Pokémon Editor wand to create and edit their teams. The Pokémon Editor has a Built-In PokePaste Importer which can be used to import a PokePaste into the player’s party.
    • All Pokémon must have moves/abilities/etc. that are valid in the current version of Pixelmon and adhere to the PWC Battle Format. If anything on a battler’s team is illegal, the battle will be ended immediately as a loss for that team. Therefore, battlers should double-check legality of their team in both the Battle Format and the Pixelmon Wiki prior to the match.
  2.  Players will also have access to /pokeheal and /pc in order to heal and bank multiple Pokémon.
    • Teams/Pokémon may be swapped and changed between different matches, but not during a match unless stated by the PWC referee in specific circumstances (see: Waiting Glitch Procedures).

Commencing Battles:

  1. Managers or Team Assistants must be reachable at the agreed-upon match times in the event that a Battler is missing (in Discord or in the PWC Server).
  2. Each Team must have 3 Battlers ready upon the agreed Match Time (see: No-Show Policy).
  3. Once players are ready to proceed with battles, a PWC Personnel member will validate their teams and initiate the battle between the 2 competitors.

No-Show Policy:

All battlers are expected to be in the PWC server, with the first battler ready to go at their scheduled match time. Battlers should arrive early to prepare and ensure they are on time.

If a team only has 2 battlers show up on time for their match, however, the match will still commence. If they cannot get a third battler in the PWC server ready to go by the moment Battle 2 ends, it will count as a loss for that server and a win for their opponent.

  • In the Group Stage, if both servers only have 2 battlers show up, neither server will receive the third point for that match.
  • In the Knockout Stage, the match will be decided by remaining Pokémon in the previous 2 battles.
  • If a team has less than 2 battlers show up, it will count as a total match loss. If this happens in the Group Stage, this means that team will receive 0 points for that match, and their opponent will receive all 3 points (assuming they have 3 battlers available, otherwise they will receive 2 points for their 2 battlers, or 0 if they also have less than 2).

Grace Period: if a team has 1 battler ready to go, and their 2nd battler is not yet in-game but is reachable on discord and can be ready by the time the first battle finishes, the match will commence. If the 2nd battler is not ready to go at that time, the match will conclude, with the unplayed battles counting as a loss for that server and a win for their opponent (see above for specifics).

Major Glitch Procedures:

Notice: Players are not allowed to swap out Pokémon or change stats/move sets during a match that was brought to a halt by a glitch.

When a battle must be ended prematurely due to a major glitch, the procedure will depend on the circumstance:

  1. On or before Turn 10: if possible, the battlers may start where they left off. If not, the match must restart and the same exact moves which were used must be replicated. Logs will be provided.
  2. Turn 11 to Turn 50: if possible, the battlers may start where they left off. If not, the match must restart entirely anew. 
  3. In the event that a major glitch disrupts battles an excessive amount of times, players will be instructed to call it a draw or play with different teams.

Match Overlap Procedures:

  • There must be a 2 hour time gap between scheduled match start times.
  • If a match is not finished before the next match is scheduled to begin (and there is not a second Referee available), the current battle stops and must be rescheduled for another time or day when each team can provide 1 battler to re-do that battle. It does not have to be the same battlers, but battlers that already participated in that match are not eligible.
  • If the teams cannot agree on a time/day to re-do that battle, that battle is considered as neither a win or loss, but remaining Pokémon is counted as 0 for both teams. If one team puts in effort to finding a re-battle time/date and the other team does not, it will be considered a win for the team that puts effort, and a loss for the team that does not.

Note that this will only occur if it interferes with the next scheduled match, as a respect for those teams’ time. Additionally, this would only occur in extreme cases where an abundance of stall is used. It is recommended to be conservative with using stall to avoid these types of issues.

Useful Server Commands:

/pokeheal : Heal your teams before every match
/team create : Team Managers should use this to create a party named after their server and invite all their players
/team chat: Toggles a private chat for servers
/team join: Join a party you were invited to
/gamemode (mode) : Players will have access to any of the gamemode they wish to be in (Creative, Survival, Spectator).
/spectate <player>: Spectate a players on-going battle
/setteam <Paste URL>: Imports your team in-game! Will only be able to be used by battlers after the open server session ends. (Do not use nicknames, it may break the pokepaste)

Battler Substitution Policy:

The 5 battlers chosen to represent their server are locked in 1 week before Group Stage battles commence. After this time, removing a battler from the team and adding a new one to replace them can only occur in the following ways:

  • In regular circumstances: only one substitution can be made, after the Group Stage and no less than 3 days before the start of the Knockout Stage.
  • In case of a battler banned by their server: the battler can be replaced immediately, but will only take effect for a match that is at least 48 hours away.
  • In case of a battler banned by the PWC: the battler can be replaced immediately, but will only take effect after the next upcoming match (meaning the team will be one battler down for the next match). In case a battler is ejected mid-match and it causes a battle forfeit, the battler substitution will take effect immediately after the affected match (as the team was already impacted).