PWC Registration

Registration for the 2024 World Cup has closed!

You can register your server or network for the PWC on the official discord by opening a registration ticket.

When applying, keep in mind the eligibility requirements below. The Universal Requirements are required to be met by any server that wishes to participate. After that are the Priority and Standby Requirements.

Servers that meet the Priority and Universal requirements will generally be added to the queue in order of registration, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as you’re sure you want to participate. If there are open slots after everyone in the Priority and Regular Queues have been added (including the final stage before matches begin, when drop-outs may occur) standby servers/networks will be added in order of eligibility, so we encourage smaller servers to apply as well!

Eligibility Requirements

Universal Requirements

  • You must run an active server using the Pixelmon mod (This entails actively maintained Pixelmon Servers)
  • You and your server/network must have decent standing in the Pixelmon community. Examples of bad standing would include stealing content after being warned, or repeatedly trashing the Pixelmon mod or members of the mod or server community.
  • You must be able to provide a manager for team organization and scheduling (this can be yourself or someone you appoint)
  • You must be able to provide 5 battlers for your team (while each match is made up of 3 battles, the 2 extra battlers ensure you are more likely to have 3 battlers available for each match)
  • Discord members: 200+ (if your server has less, see Standby Requirements)
  • Concurrent Minecraft players: 7+ (if your server has less, see Standby Requirements)

These requirements are in an effort to keep the Pixelmon World Cup what it says in the name – a celebration and unity of the Pixelmon Mod community.

Priority Requirements

Servers/networks that fulfill the above requirements will generally be added to the Regular Queue in order of registration. However, an extra priority may be given in case of:

  • 30+ concurrent Minecraft players
  • Qualifying to quarterfinals in a past PWC

Standby Requirements

  • Discord members: 50+
  • Concurrent Minecraft players: 3+

Servers/networks that do not fulfill the Universal member requirements but do fulfill these Standby requirements will be added to the Standby Queue in the order of “most eligible” (see below). Standby servers will be added to the official lineup in the event that there are not enough Priority servers at the ready, to ensure a rounded number of participants.

Factors that determine the order of eligibility:

  • Number of concurrent Minecraft players
  • Discord/community engagement
  • Qualifying to quarterfinals in a past PWC
  • Pixelmon community standing/contributions

Removal from the PWC

It is imperative to note that your place in the queue or place in the event overall can be subject to change and is ultimately up to the discretion of the World Cup organizers. Some events that can lead to your Servers removal from the event can range from;

  1. No longer operating a Pixelmon server
  2. Considerable amount of drama within the Pixelmon community
  3. Your Battlers have reached a threshold of warnings within the discord/server

With that in mind, that highest-point knocked-out teams may be subbed back in before knockouts in case of a forfeit/disqualification.

Opening a Registration Ticket

To open a registration ticket in our official discord, you must be an owner, admin, or manager of the server or network you are representing. You must also provide the following:

  • The name of the server or network
  • Your role in the server (owner, admin, or manager)
  • The server IP
  • Discord invite to your server
  • Your server’s primary country or geographical region (for active time zone and data purposes; this alone will not be used to determine eligibility)
  • Your server’s logo for promotional and graphic design purposes (examples of use include brackets, your team’s info page, and Twitch stream overlays for your matchups)
  • A brief description of your server/network to be listed on the PWC website so everyone can familiarize themselves with your server

Whoever opens the registration ticket will become Team Manager by default, but you can later choose to designate someone else as your team’s manager. Upon officially joining the PWC you will also be able to choose up to 2 Team Assistants to help manage your team and schedule matches.

Registering Battlers

After all teams have been finalized, you will be able to start registering your battlers. There will be a battler registration deadline, at which time any teams that do not have 5 battlers registered will be removed. If any teams are removed in this way, the empty slots will be filled by eligible servers in the queue that did not make the first cut and have their battlers ready.

For this reason, servers in the queue should prepare battlers just in case.

Note: Your Battlers must have a Premium Minecraft Account.

Advertising for battlers, whether you are offering your services or seeking players for your server is not allowed within the PWC Discord. In essence, the tournament is to showcase your server and its player base.

To register your battlers, each will need to join the PWC Discord and you will need to provide the following:

  • The battler’s Discord name
  • The battler’s Minecraft username
  • A brief written profile of the battler to be listed on the PWC website